Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Spell my country

Yesterday I went to see I for India at the ICA (film link).
It is an inspiring and moving docu/film about the life of the director's family since they moved from India in the 60's. It is a mixure of Super-8, voice recordings, and other footage that explain all the difficulties this immigrant family lived along 40 years.

As an immigrant myself, I felt reflected in most of it. Certainly, when you come from a similar culture, everything is much easier, but still, nothing is as it seems.
We come here looking for what we all want: some peace, and what we find is rejection. Rejection and solitude.

Suri talks about how they can't pronounce your name and, if you misspronounce theirs, they'll surely correct you in a split second.

Immigration. Unfairness.

Some BBC footage shows the demonstrations against immigration. We all have seen them, and not that long ago. Not only in England. From inside the EU, it is a subject we all talk about. I have gone to demonstrations. Most of them when some education law was changed in Spain and affected us so much. And I wonder what makes us demonstrate. Do we think twice what we are shouting? Do we wait a minute to think how does it affect to others, to them? I don't think so.

It is a very good movie and is such a perfect element in this multicultural city.

It is still shown until Wednesday 18th. Two showings a day. Go see it.
Go with some time before or stay later to have a look at the library.

Remember that the BFI 51st London Film Festival is starting tomorrow and the UK Jewish Film Festival on the 3rd of October.


Vulcano Lover said...

I cannot attend to all these suggestions, being so far away.
Nice argument, needs to be a little bit more developed.
Would you take me to nice places if I went to meet you there?


Lapa said...

There are three kinds of women:

the pretty ones

the ugly ones

and the blondes...

New literary blog.

Habibi said...

Vulcano: sure i'll do!

Lapa: do you think?